Sunsilk Event


Hi guys! Sorry for the hiatus. I have been so busy this week. I have not get the chance to open my blog due to my tight schedule and lack of internet access. Thanks to Reema, I have been invited to a Sunsilk event launching their newest range of hair care product called the Nourishing Soft and Smooth & Smooth and Manageable Range. It was infuse with 5 natural good essential oil to help your hair smoother and away from drying. It was a fun event! I meet a lot of awesome bloggers including Tammy from Plus Size Kitten, Fatin from Chocolate Catz, Chenelle from Chenellewen, Michelle from Coquettishmish, a very fun Voon Wei fashion stylish and some other bloggers too! The food was okay, not too bad. During the event we were given a brief of the benefits of these 5 essential oil, and we were taught to make a home made scrub made from these oils and raw sugar. It was fun. Then Voon Wei the star of the event give us a fashion tips on how to match your hair and outfit. He was so funny! Thank you Sunsilk for inviting me. It was a great experience! I will blog soon with my thought on the hair care range pretty soon! I will be busy again this month, I promise I will been soon active in Disember, because its my semester break and I will be at my hometown with better internet connection! HAHA! I love UniFi.... <3 Will blog soon! There is so much I want to share and update! See you guys soon! Thank you so much for reading my blog. I really really really really really appreciate it. Love you guys!

Have you tried Sunsilk Hair care products? Which one is it?
Hugs and kisses

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  1. hey i've tried the yellow one....It smells sooooo goood and hair feels so soft after using it! :)

  2. Its been awhile since I used sunsilk because I try a lot of different brands - probably been 5 years by now? O-O

  3. I love a lot this brand!! I used a lot sunsilk shampoo.


    1. wow! they have a lot of range you can change from time to time right! <3

  4. Replies
    1. i tried that one too! but it was years ago! hehe... i think they reinvent it and add more goodness to it! <3

  5. I like all of these brands so nice.
