September 2012 Favorites


September flies here come October! We have been to the last quarter of 2012! Wow! Its been a lot happen in this month! The Essences Product are a Giveaway gift that I won from Sarah! Thank you dear! I have not done any new product shopping this month. The last picture is my note book which I have been loving! I made the chains and attached to the pen. Why? I always misplace my pen and get very frustrated if I can write down whats idea/to do this on the spot. It really help me organize my daily life! Hehehe... In the month of September also, I have been in love back with craft! I have neglected my love for art for so long, so I think I might continue doing so. I'm into Decoden art & Jewelry making!  Recently I have choosen to join a Bio Essence Tanaka White Event Challenge! Can't wait to blog about it! Don't forgst to check out my new Wishlist concept! Here are my September Favorites for the year 2012! 

1. Essential Nuance Airy Treatment (RM15.00+)This product is not available yet in Malaysia. I was able to get my hands on it from a Cynthia. She offer to buy for it since it is on sale! Massive price down! It was available in Singapore. I heard Style Suzi raved about it so much. The Hair mask was mostly everyone favorite, but I think this treatment is great too! I let my hair 70% dry before apply this, and let it soak for 5-8 minutes and rinse it off. I don't like to hair dry my hair, so I let it dry for itself and I really love the result! After straightening my hair, my hair is amazingly soft and does not dry! Its love!

2. Za Total Hydration Amino Mineral Refreshing Gel (RM21.90) - I have blogged about it a few months ago. I really love it! I use this as a primer. It is not a primer actually, I use it as my additional hydration gel. Just to make sure my face have extra hydration so my face it moist enough to control my pore for getting larger during the day. It feels so fresh! Easy to blend and absorb very quickly! I even use it during the day on my makeup, to moist up my skin before applying compact powder for touch ups. Individual product review post - CLICK HERE

3. Hiruscar Post Acne Gel (RM34.90) - Recently I have invited to Hiruscar Post acne product launch. I will do a full verdict review on it around this month. I love this gel so much. So you can tell what I will blog about it! Its so convenient and smells good. Wait for the full review! Its already available at Watsons! (◕‿◕)

4. Essence All Eyes on Me Mascara (RM15.90) - This mascara is LOVE! It lengthens  and separate my lashes so nicely! Not clumpy at all! What I like the most is its lengthens so well! Its affordable too! Stays up curl for a very long hours too!

5. Essences Single Eye shadow in 09 (RM7.90) - This is like my go too eye shadow  I really love the color! I can go bare lid with this color ONLY on my crease and its just so nicely brighten my eyes and deepen my crease create this nice rounded eyes effect! I use it to lightly fill in my brow too! Its really an essential color! One of the best crease color ever!

6. Silkygirl Fruitti Sunshine Cheer Trio SPF15 (RM10.90) - New Lipbalm love again! It does not really moisturize. What I like about this is because of the color and fragrance! Usually I will use other lipbalm that help to my lips from chapping, then I use this on top. It gives this nice sheer red color to my lip! Very natural and smells good! Bonus! SPF 15 protection on my lip! Oh yeah!

What's your September favorite?



  1. rasa mcm nk mkn jer lip balm tu..hehe

    1. jangan! hehe... nnti sakit perut... bau boleh.. hehe....

  2. cant wait your full review on Hiruscar Post Acne Gel.... :)

  3. salam perkenalan..
    Follow sini.. jom follow afiq juga k

  4. I totally need to try some essential products! They sound so good! And more essence products...i love their stuff!

  5. i gt mine from taiwan
    i like essential hair treatment very nice smell.

  6. suka Silkygirl Fruitti Trio Lipbalm. best kan, sab. hehe...

    check out my September Fav :


  7. Thanks Sabrina sbb suka hadiah yg sarah bg..even sbnrnya hadiah sarah bg simple je.hehe. =)
