Hiruscar Post Acne Gel | VERDICT


As promise, here are my verdict for the first ever acne scar & dark marks gel that have been quite popular in Thailand 2 years ago. 2 years? Yeap. I won't give a rainbow and sparkle verdict before see it for my self, does it really work? This year have been the worst skin condition I ever have in years. Major breakouts! Why? I blame myself for being very lazy. I have been so busy I am so lazy to remove my makeup at night properly. Yeap! Its a lesson learn. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ DON'T EVER SLEEP WITH MAKEUP ON! And... Due to lack of rest and a proper skincare to my skin. I experience break out and as usual, I can't get my hands of to "pop" it! I know... I was very inpatient and did a very bad actions. Ending up, my face is seriously pissing me off. I have acne mark all over my face! So, Alhamdulillah I get the chance to try this! This product was given for free during the product launch recent week, you can check out the post here - CLICK HERE.

As you can see, sorry for the gross picture above. (* ̄m ̄) I don't really have marshmallow smooth skin ok. Its  my left cheek if you wanna know. Haha. I have other marks on the other part of my face too, but this part will do. To show the evidence  the above picture will tell you. All the pictures were taken during my use of this product. Picture lighting may vary because some pictures were taken during day or night. No Photoshop editing, no makeup, bare face after cleansing routine. 

My Verdict :
Day 1 - Erggh... That is disgusting right? The red marks were the pimple that were already started to heal/dry up 2 days before using this product for the first time. So basically the pimples already start to foam up a scar. Around the red marks are the acne marks I got 1-2 months before. All are quite new. This is to show you on does this works on newly "pop" pimples and old acne marks scarring. 

Day 2 - Nothing really changes. But my red marks started to be smaller and everything seems to soothes down.

Day 7 - Jump up to day 7 because during the day before day 7, small difference start to appear but the pictures I took cant really tell. As you can see, some of the small marks started to fade but the newly acne scar formally to be my red marks have reduce its redness and started to heal up.

Day 8 - Nothing chances, but my pores seems to be very visible right? But actually no difference between Day 7 & 8.

Day 16 - Continue using it daily. During day 8 till day 16. Small changes might happen, but I seems didn't notice until I took the 16th day picture and compare it. Wow, seems different right? But still some acne scar are there and my skin are smooth. Pores were smaller and only dark marks can be seen.

What can I say about it :
It work, but I in a long period of time. It really works on acne scar but not very effective on dark marks in a short time. On other part of my face, dark marks can still be seen but kinda lighter. It is easy to apply and smell nice. You can use it as an extra skin care product during your skin care routine. Probably after moisturizer before makeup. I bring it anywhere and repeatedly apply it whenever I get the chance, before and after makeup (during the day). It does feels a lil sticky but absorb in a few minutes. There is a chances of buying this product when I finish it. I think it will be a great additional product in my skincare routine. I know, I will never stop popping my pimples.. (-_-)''' Probably need to give a really long time for it to act as promise.
I give this a 3.8 / 5 star product!

PRICE : RM38.00 for 10g

Hugs and kisses

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  1. Im using dermatix to treat my acne scars. Not bad though.

  2. Replies
    1. yeap! but still dark mark can be seen! penat nk conceal... hewhew!

  3. pghilang parut mmg akn ambil masa yg lama kan.nice review ;)

    1. aah, tp kalau nk buat dia jadi scar sgt sekejap..hehe... tgn gatal nk picit2.... thank you dear!
      you followed me? awesome sgt!!! <3

  4. I love to see series of pics showing skin's improvement. The result is just amazing. Great review too Sabrina! Rasa nak cuba jugak.

    1. thank you dear! yeap! really works on acne scar but may not really work that fast as promise on dark marks... pigmentation on skin mmg susah hilang... dulu pakai lemon pn xmenjadi.... <3

  5. i think it worked really well!!!
    wow i want something like this~

  6. Wow, that's pretty amazing results! I think 2 weeks is super fast, really. I used Bio Oil to help lighten some pimple scars and it didn't seem to change anything at all.

  7. Can't believe I missed this post, but thankfully, I remembered about your tweet. Thanks for the review! By any chance, does it contain Salicylic Acid? I'm extremely allergic to it :/

    1. Sorry for the late reply! Hirus scar post acne contains -
      Aqua, Allium Cepa, Niacinamide, Sorbeth-30, PPG-26-Buteth-26 and PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil, Quaternium-73, Carbomer, Fragrance, Iodopropynyl butylcarbamate and DMDM hydantoin, Sodium Hydroxide, Allantoin and Mucopolysaccharide (MPS)

      I think im allergic to that too. I experience a lot of breakout using Revlon primer... :(

  8. I bought the same one from Hong Kong for around $100 (HK currency) :O

    I have used mine for a couple of days but a few new pimples popped up ;_;

  9. baru dpt tengok gambar. internet slow. muka siapa tu, sab?

    1. wow, hasilnya menakjubkan! mau try la kalau itu muka sab. hehe.. sekurang2nya ada testimoni b'gambar. thanks for sharing. ^___^

    2. kdg2 klu jaga pun jerawat pandai juga muncul. dah la saya jenis pantang nmpk jerawat, mesti nak picit. skrg dah ada satu parut hitam. huhuhu... pakai concealer pun still nmpk juga. klu di rumah, saya pakai Olay total effects 7 in 1 day cream utk tampal. hahaha.. b'kurangan jg sikit tp ambil masa yg agak lama. T___T

    3. aah...kene disciplined... teruk muka masa mula2.... degil xjaga routine skincare....

  10. Sabrina..saya pn kena jerawat mcm sab. sgt2 susah nk conceal. kdng2 rasa sakit hati nk conceal.hehe. xtaula sbbnya, tp cuma detect mkn coklat kacang. sbb esoknya jrwt naik trus..makin menjadi2. mak pn dh marah nape naik teruk sgt jerawat. sbb sblm ni klu naik jerawat pn kuar satu je, pastu kecut balik. ni ade parut hitam. :(. tgk sab puye testimoni ni berkesan la, at least xde merah2 sgt dh

    1. tulah... kene disipline.. kadang2 sab pn degil n malas buang makeup btul2... masa guna gel ni mmg nekad nk hilangkan...mmg tiap2 hari jaga btul2 routine and letak gel ni.. alhamdulillah gel ni berkesan kat sab... :)

  11. kat mana2 pharmacy bole dpt ke mende ni?

    1. Boleh rasanya, haritu mmg nmpak dekat watson n pharmacy lagi satu..lupa nama... maybe guardian pn ada. try cari dekat section treatment gel parut semua... :)

  12. Why does acne keeps coming on my chin? It's like a never ending 'love' story, worse than Twilight T.T I'm using this product and nothing much changes for my acne scar BUT.... I only have two pimples so far, it helps!

    Your acne are really severe at that moment, I'm amazed how much it changed in 16 days o_o Amazing!

    1. its probally a hormon acne. try search for a video called "how to treat hormon acne" by bubzbeauty! it helped me alot! but the dark spot really does not fade, only the scars/bumbs of the acnes fadded away. it was quite a good product! :)

  13. Thank you for doing this review. I know it takes gut to do this!

    1. hehe! sure is! but nah.... nobodys perfect right? hehe... thanks for reading dear!

  14. the last picture (day16) is edit result, im sure this fake! ademind must be honest

    1. well I am sorry if I make you think like that, and I am very sure that I dont edit it and I am honest in this review as I don't even get a single cent for this review post. :) Anyway, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! ;)

  15. So does it work on males? -.- I feel like trying it as well but I'm quite afraid to try it out. TAPI DAH BELI -_-

    1. well, I ask my Mr. T to give it a try, he said it was ok. not bad. you should try and see how it works! :)

  16. It can reduce the scar of chicken pox? nice review. i want to try it.

    1. I dont think so, this is more of a scar caused by acne... maybe you can try the hirusscar specifically for scars. :)

  17. Salam
    Sabrina, awak pakai 3 kali sehari ke? ^^

    1. kadang2 lebih, selalu bawak dlm pocket, bila nmpak cermin pakai.. hehe...

  18. Untuk yg menghidap resdung boleh pakai ke?
    Sya bnyak parut hitam la. Kulit putih memang senang la nampakkan. Malu dengn orang laen.

    1. rasanya boleh saja, sbb ni hanya product yg digunakan untuk jagaan luar. ia seperti gel. ish.. jgnla malu, slow2 ya, in sya Allah dgn penjagaan yg betul and skincare routine yg sesuai, akan hilang smua. :) yg penting, tiap2 hari mesti basuh muka, pakai toner, and moisturize. pastu leh la pakai gel ni untuk penambahan treatment pada parut jerawat tu smua. :)

  19. Dear Sabrina, what is your skin type. My face tiba2 jar naik jerawat, after like 2 years x pernah ade, maybe hormone imbalance. Skin I jenis kering. I tried mederma tapi i notice kat spot yang I letak tu jadi kering sgt. So ingt nak try hiruscar ni, sesuai utk dry skin type x?

    1. Hello Anin! My skin type is combination, it can get oily at certain times but dry at certain times. I never tried menderma, but what i can say about this one is that dia xmengeringkan kulit pun. Its very "gelly" type of gel and kinda feel sticky sikit when applied. From what I understand macam kalau I pakai Oxy 10/Oxy 5, on the certain part that I apply akan kering sgt and mengkasar. So I xexperience macam tu masa apply ni. I think it suit dry skin. Hope I helped! <3

  20. mula mula pakai parut tu kemerahan dulu ke?

    1. so far, tak ada pulak jadi kemerahan... maybe pada org lain ada, tp saya tak ada experience kemerahan lepas apply.

  21. Pakai krim dulu baru pakai hiruscar or pakai hiruscar then baru pakai krim muka?

    1. both method xada masalah.. ikut keselesaan.. :) tp kalau saya, saya suke lepas krim...

  22. Actually 16 days is not that long compared to few years of me fighting with acne and scars..TT
    This sure does looks good but can I ask a few questions?

    1- Does this product dry out your skin or cause itchiness? I tried several acne medication before and most of them makes my skin looks red and cause itchiness thought it heals the next day.
    2- How much time did you wear this in a day? Doesn't it make your makeup messy if applied before wearing makeup?
    3- I saw that you have this small bumps on Day 8. The one that is not red in color but it is visible because I had the same one so I want to know if this product can make it disappear?

    Thank you. I would appreciate if you can answer them in honesty :D

    1. Hello dear! Sure, here are my answers,

      1. if i applied on an "open" newly pop acne, it does sting a lil and feels itchy. I think this is because it is applied in open surface of my skin. I find that some other pimple gel i use also feel this way. I find it feels sting more than itchy.

      2.i bring this product in my bag anywhere i got, when i feel like the applying it during the day, i applied it. a minimum of 2 application during my skincare routine. during the day, i just apply it randomly when i feel like to. i use it after my moisturizer and as said during the ay, i just applied it on my skin although i know i have makeup on my face.

      3- i experience bumps on my skin when i find myself not cleansing my face properly. there is a day where i admit that i skipped my makeup removing routine and lack of sleep as well as not drinking much water. as said above disclaimer, the picture may vary a lil bit because of lighting and i am just using my phone camera to take pictures. so sometimes the sharpness of the picture are not accurate. what i can say is, i find my skin much more healthier from these bumps when i really clean my face properly and drink a lot of water.

      hope my answer helped. :)

    2. I see,

      1. So no redness cause by this product?

      2. Thanks!I always wonder if I applied acne medication before make-up, it'll make my makeup messy..

      3. So this product doesn't heal the part?I sometimes do experience the small bumps but on time it disappear..(but I do drink lots of mineral water coz I can't drink the boil water :( )

    3. So far no redness just a sting feeling when applied. macm pedih sikit macam ubat jerawat.

      the gel tend to dry a lil bit so i think it wont messy up your makeup! ^_^

      yep.. :( this get is more of a post acne (acne that are healing/mengering) . maybe u can use baby wipes. double the cleansing routine after makeup. so your pore wont clog and in sya Allah no bumps in the morning! ^_^

  23. saya gune yg kuning, agak lambat sikit, yg ni nmpk cepat bestnye, nk try la ^_^

    1. oo yang kuning tu popular untuk parut luka kan.. cuba la yg ini pula ya! ^_^

  24. hi dear!
    nak tnya kalau yg ada bekas parut jerawat hitam tu bleh hilang tak?

    1. boleh kot... tu dark spot kan? post acne ni advise for parut yg kurang dari 2 tahun...

    2. kurang dari 2 tahun...... at least it helped a little there. mine is worst. nak try lah nanti. thanks sab!

  25. did this one tube last you the entire 16 weeks ? i just received mine and it looks liek it has alot of air in the tube. i got the 10g

  26. Hy,,dah picit jerawat tuu..lepas tu basuh muke ngn aiken bole x..pas uh letak gel tuu kat jerwat tuu yg dah picit..bole kew..
