Bio-Essences Tanaka White Challenge Event


Haloo~ How you guys been feeling today! I have been a lil away huh... My internet freaking me out and I have been playing my favorite game for like a long hour everyday. I found out a Harvest Moon Back to Nature PC version. Downloaded it and get addicted to it again. That is one of the games I played in my childhood. I was raised with tech games stuff. Because my father won't allow me to play outside. Haha! Yep, Seriously, I am a type of girl who love to spend hours at home playing games. Addicted? Probably  I can play games for like straight 9-12 hours a day. Call me a freak. Ok enough.

Back to the main topic. Last 3 weeks I have been into a challenge Bio Essences held. A challenge that involve 100 women and men who are interested. Remember my short post about it? CLICK HERE. Each week we have to go to Mid Valley to get out skin tested. A before & after result by using their newly launch product called the Tanaka 4X Whitening Serum. It took about 3 weeks. The last day was held at Jusco Kepong. I was choose to talk in front of the camera. Like a lil testimonials section after using the Serum. It was pretty awkward  Nothing much, I meet Scha Alyahya! She is freaking pretty and tall. Very friendly too. I receive a lot of freebies along the journey of the challenge period. I don't have many pictures and my pictures kinda suck. Sorry... I'm using phone camera only ma... I did take a picture of my self too. I was alone, my boyfriend went out to Old Town to finish his assignment. So nobody was there to help hold my things. Haha! Will udate more pictures soon if possible. Bio Essence Malaysia have not yet uploaded it. Check back ok?

These are the freebies I got during the event. I thought were gonna get the full set of Tanaka Whitening Range... Haha! Wait! I’m giving away the Bio-Cell Repair Rejuvenating Serum to one of my lucky loyal readers! (Last two Pictures) It’s a secret giveaway! I have two of them. I’m giving away the full size 40ml Serum. ;) 
Giveaways open internationally 
except for Israel (Sorry, my country does not ship to that county).
One comment per entry.
I'll be using to choose the winner.

Follow the rules to enter –
Make sure you are (I'll be checking!),
Follow my blog Via GFC
And comment down below with you details and tell me who your fashion icon is!

Name via GFC:
My Fashion icon/inspiration is/are …

Good Luck!
Contest ends at 31 October, I will be contacting the winner via email and write on this post around a week after giveaway ends.

Lot's Of Love


  1. Name via GFC : Puteri Panda
    E-mail :
    My Fashion icon/inspiration is/are : My fashion icon is Scha Alyahya because she is a very simple person but still beautiful in a fashionable. even with just wearing jeans and a shirt, she looks very attractive. she was good at fashionable. she also looks so elegant to dress like a modern kurung or kebaya. she was good at matching clothes from head to toe. it was perfect! I love it! ^___^

    1. Thank you so much for entering! Good Luck! ;)

  2. Name via GFC:❥anyajang★
    My Fashion icon/inspiration is - Park Bom. I like that she is beautiful outside and inside!

    hehe thank you ><

    1. Thank you so much for entering! Good Luck! ;)

  3. Name via GFC : Desperate Mama
    E-mail :
    My Fashion icon/inspiration is/are : siti juwariyah... loves her style..., and her kaffah scarf...
    thanx... :)

    1. Thank you so much for entering! Good Luck! ;)

  4. Name via GFC : shu
    E-mail :
    My Fashion icon/inspiration is/are :Yuyu Zulaika..her hijab style, her outfit..eventhough she is petit but she have high self-confident :)

    1. Thank you so much for entering! Good Luck! ;)
      *yuyu sgt comel! <3

  5. Replies
    1. Aw... you are the sweetest!!! you made my day... you are pretty too! nice too meet you! <3

  6. Hye. Alamak, I'd prefer you talk about game stuff all the way, do post about it. I want to know what else other than Harvest moon?

    You look better when you play video game than putting on make up. That natural look when you are at home. :)

    1. Haha... Makeup is a girly side of me... Can't ignore that feminine side of me... ;)

      Games is something I adore and I call a runaway time and learning time, It teaches me to be creative and think! Its fun right... Now I'm too busy with study I can't get my self into it too much, my lil bro inherit the game console at home.... There's too much game to be listed tho, but still, my all time favorite and finish games are Final Fantasy 12, Dream Fall, Left 4 Dead 1 & 2, etc etc.... Ok, as you requested, insyaAllah I post my game life one day. ;) What's yours?

  7. Name via GFC: Sarah Harun
    My Fashion icon/inspiration is/are: Erra Fazira, because whatever she's wearing clothes, always look pretty. =)

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