My Sigma Beauty Wishlist - Must have!

Sigma Brushes! Yay! I know you guys have heard this brand all over the place. It is one of the most talked about brushes in this Beauty Virtual world. I first heard it in 2009. In love with it ever since it! I kinda miss the baby pink Brush Kit with brush roll. Did get my hands on it. My first purchase was the Buffer Brush & The Flat top kabuki brush. Love the service and brush. So soft can die. Just kidding. So today Im gonna share with you guys what items I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to own by Sigma Beauty. Been stalking, searching and researching about all the brushes. So I decide these are the brushes and item I would love to own. Im planning on doing some freelancing makeup service when I finish study, but not as a main business. as a fun part time job for relatives and friends. I have the Flat Top Kabuki, but I i did not take care of it and it spoiled. :( Will list all the name of the brushes below. I love filling in wishlist because I love goals! It will keep me on track to work harder and earn money as I can. Goals keep you move on faster to your success!

From Top to Bottom, then Left to Right.
My Sigma Beauty wishlist.

{ This set have all the best brush from Sigma brushes!, the bag that comes with are so neat! }

{ Vegan, cute, what else? The best Vegan Brush around }

{ Its pink. What else I can say. Haha! Brush belt comes very handy especially when you are doing someone else makeup }

{ This would be the brush holder for my other individual brush. Pretty handy }

{ The most essential big bag ever! It fits a lot of stuff! The quilt design are so cute. Violet will do if theres no pink. }

{ Some extra eye brush I would love to own! }

{ The best foundation brush! This would be my second purchase as the one I got shredded due to lack of care }

{ Another great brush for foundation. Wanna try this one. See how it goes }

{ A smaller version or powder brush. Much more smaller perfect for contouring }

{ A smaller version of the duo fiber. I think it would be perfect for cream blush }

{ Its synthetic. Synthetic brush pick up cream product well. I want to use it as a concealer brush }

{ Same as the Round synthetic brush, only that it is angled. would be a great brush for me to contour my nose. }

Get 10% OFF your purchase
September 2012 Sigma Beauty Discount Code -
It will be valid for 10% off your entire purchase throughout September!
Wanna help fulfill my dreams? Easy! I really appreciate all my readers who keep on visiting my blog. You guys are just so sweet! With Allah wills, who know I 'll do a BIG giveaway with all my earning! <3

Have you tried Sigma Beauty products? What's your wishlist from Sigma Beauty?


  1. thanks for the discount code, i'm still waiting for the black brush belt to be in stock again! no way am i going to work with a pink one at a job - need to look professional :)

    i think i will do a wishlist post like you but with the types of makeup i want in my kit that way we can prob share ideas on what to get when you do start on your freelancing.

    good luck with that!

  2. Mrs.Bunny Essential Kit is 1 of my wishlist too. bila la agaknya dapat merasa guna Mrs.Bunny brush. huhuhu...

    1. insyaAllah satu hari nanti! ;) sab pn tgh berusaha nk sgt own sigma brush tu! amin!

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