ZA Total Hydration Amino Mineral Refreshing Gel Review


Hi guys! Yeah! I manage to post more than one post a week! I really trying my best to keep my blog actively with more post and updates! As you guys know, i really love ZA product. The makeup stuff and skincare product are amazing. I have been eyeing on their new groovy blushes. I wanna get all 5 shades! Hope i can purchase them and do some review on it. They look amazing.

What it claims : For an instant and hydrating fix, try ZA’s new Amino Mineral Refreshing Gel. To be used after your moisturiser, this gel quickly penetrates to smoothen out flakey skin. Formulated with Vitamin B Derivatives, Prism Enhancer and Sebum-holding Agent, it is said to revitalise and gives skin a glow. It also contains Amino Mineral Complex which helps restore the skin’s protective barrier.

Packaging: 9/10
Its pink. What can i say more. Love the packaging. Its a light plastic tube that is quite handy to bring along anywhere.

Scent: 9/10
Love the scent, it have this refreshing and cooling scent.

Moisturizing Power: 7/10
I might say it is not a moisturizing type of gel, more to a refreshing gel that hydrates and cools your skin. I love to use it before applying my makeup, by focusing on the area that pores tends to appear.

Ease Of Use: 9/10
You don't need much of a product to cover your whole face. Easy to pump out product with its nice gel consistency.

Availability: 10/10
You can see ZA sold mostly everywhere in out local pharmacy. Watson, Guardian and even Jusco Wellness Center.

Price: 9/10
Affordable price. RM21.90+.

Overall : 8.8/10
I might say it is a good product. Add this to your skincare for a additional lightweight hydration gel for your face routine for a instant refresh feeling and hydration. May not suitable to wear it alone for your daily moisturizer, just and add up product.
What do you guys think? Have you use ZA skincare before?
Till next time! 
Love you guys! 
Thank you so much for the past feedback. I really enjoy reading them!


  1. it like a makeup primer?

    1. not so much. more like a moisturizer! hehe... give you more hydration to your skin before applying makeup, so when you are in a air condition place that may cause drying to your makeup, it will help to reduce that. :)

  2. not so much. more like a moisturizer! hehe... give you more hydration to your skin before applying makeup, so when you are in a air condition place that may cause drying to your makeup, it will help to reduce that. :)

  3. looks interesting!sorry but can you explain to me what is flakey skin?
    can i do a request in here? not a request actually. teehee!!
    do you have any product that works really good for scars.

    1. Flakey skin is like dry skin. where your skin is peeling off your skin. A big no no!
      Your request is my pleasure! I have a good experience with ZA Whitening range skincare. they makes my acne scar reduce alot! but not so much. havent found any good product for scars. but you can try this, many says it works, use a lemon. cut into half, everyday apply it on your skin. insyaAllah, it will works!

    2. lemon? hah? oh you make me feel like want to bancuh ice lemon tea lah pulak hahaha

    3. alamak..tetiba i rasa haus pulak! hehe... yep! lemon! good for acne scar! if other scar such as burning, try Mederma. i heard a lot of rave about it. :)

  4. comel sgt sbb pink packaging dia!! ehhe ;)

    1. kannn..hehe...tu yg caught my attention at first... hehe....

  5. i saw the ingredients but it contains alcohol.

  6. Hey there just want to ask should I apply UV protection first before apply this product or apply this before apply UV protection?haha am confuse now

    1. from my opinion you can use it after sunscreen, even you can bring it in your bag for "hydration touch ups"! its very light weight and its some kind of an extra refreshing hydration gel. for me its not an official skincare product. more like an extra hydration boost in your skincare regime. :)
