Taught of having a Garage Sale at home? Feat. FriendlyFashion.my

I cant even choose! So many nice stuff!

Interact with other users!
Hello lovely BySabrinart readers! How are you guys been doing? See anything new here? Hehe.. Yep, change my blog design for the 5th time! Man I need to stop changing it. Haha. Today I am going to share with you somethig cool! How unlucky I am not knowing this website! I had a blogsale recently, and I fing quite hard informing people. So, have you heard about Friendly Fashion? Freindly Fashion is a site where you can swap,sell or giveaway clothes that they dont use anymore. EVERYTHING is in one website! How easy and cool is that! What I love about it is because, you can easily upload your picture items, and publish it nicely in a ready made template! Its looks like a real professional website! You can even comunicate with others! FUN! I find alot of great fashionable items in there at a very very awesome price. They also have a forum where you can chat among users even a fashion blog too! YOU MUST CHECK OUT THIS WEB! Or I will haunt you! no, just kidding... haha! So let me know what you think!

VISIT - www.friendlyfashion.my

Are you a member of this site? Have you bought any items from there?
Till then, Sab-Sabrina~


  1. i heard about this before and i found there a miss or mrs yang nak let go her naked palette and i was like what ??!!! you're kidding right?!! hahah oh yeahh i got a problem jugak when it comes to blog design i changed my template so many times and now i think i wanna change it again hahah sungguh tak kuat lah my iman

    1. haha! apa2 pun i always ending up with white plain template... i think it is the best! only change the widget color! haha! hope this would last forever!

    2. oh yeah have you try a blusher from elianto and if you have do you like it or maybe you can post a review about your blusher

    3. nope, havent try any blush from elianto. will do a blush review soon when i found a good one! :D

  2. Waa..Thanks for the info...=)

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