Nivea Daily Essential Cleansing Wipes Review


Hi beauties! Makeup remover product is a must have for all makeup lover. If you notice we use it every single day to keep our face clean. I have tried quite a lot of makeup remover product. My favorite would be wipes and water base makeup remover. So today I am going to review the Nivea Daily Essential Cleansing Wipes.

Packaging: 8 / 10
Ordinary cleansing wipe packaging. Sticky sticker type of closure. Beware of air trapping inside cause dryness to the wipes.

Scent: 9 /10
Refreshing scent.

Cleansing Power: 7 / 10
Most of the wipes are not moist/wet enough. The top layer of the wipes are a bit dry causing a bit harsh when i use it on my skin. Therefore, not much of my makeup are cleanse off. But then, after using it for a few days using it, I'm quite satisfy with the result. the wipe is actually very effective on removing makeup.

Ease Of Use: 9 /10
Easy to use. The size of the wipe is a just nice size for the whole face.

Availability: 7 /10
I only saw this at Watson. I'm not sure whether its available in other store.

Price: 8 / 10
RM15 +. Quite cheap. You get 25 wipes. Probably last you least a month, an average of 0.60 cent per wipe.

Overall : 7.3 /10
I might not gonna repurchase this. But it seems pretty nice, the refreshment feeling after using the wipes is quite nice actually. But in terms of removing my makeup, it tends to make me feel a bit harsh to my skin.

Have you try this? What's your current makeup remover product?
Love ya! Sabrina! xoxo


  1. i was just thinking to buy cleansing wipes for raya!! is there another cleansing wipes that you would suggest to me

    1. i totally recommend the biore wipes! the one that comes in a cute pink box, and after that you can just buy the refill package. I really like it, only that matters me is the size of the wipe. probably half the size of an ordinary wipes. but very effective on removing makeup!

    2. is it suitable for oily skin and do you got any breakout when using this. cause me have a really sensitive skin

    3. it may suit you because it is a water base makeup remover. I love the wipes from Biore but i really hate the one that is in oil form. The one that is called the eye and lip oil makeup remover. it cause breakout to my skin. Give this a try. They have this in travel pack. The travel pack comes in 10 pcs of wipes, cost around rm5.90. :)

    4. thanks so much for the info. really appreciate that! love you lah

    5. my pleasure dear! i love you too! thank you for reading my blog! <3 <3 <3

  2. combination skin? ini m'buatkan saya untuk m'cuba! :D

    1. yeah! go get you some! it is a worth trying product! :D

  3. you know what, i've never been into makeup wipes after recently everyone seemed to be talking bout it all over. haha. i wanted to try the Simple and Biore one but i'll give one shot at a time.

    1. really? i love wipes! maybe i am the type of person that is always in a hurry! its convenient. hehe! wipes really save my time, but, a water based makeup remover is also a must for small errors while doing makeup.

  4. i like ur review because it is in detail and complete explanation


    hope u can update regularly ;)

    1. that you for the feedback! <3 (smiling) :D
      Will keep that in mind! i will try my best to update it regularly! thank you for being such a loyal reader. <3

  5. Great review ur posts always...
    The wipes looks good, cant wait to try those coz sometimes I like 2carry makrup removing wipes mainly while travelling !!!


    1. thank you Appy! true! they are so convenient!
