Neotrogena Deep Clean Ultra Foam Cleanser Review


Hello everyone! My skin condition is very upsetting this year. Pimple have been popping out like crazy! One healed, one popped! My nasty hand could not get off my face to pop it, resulting acne scar all over my face. The main cause of this happen may from the lack of sleep im having, havent get the chance to deep clean my makeup brushes that i use everyday and the meal that im having each day. Oh well. If you guys haven't heard, it all started when i tried the Hada Labo skincare range. It does not suit me well. Im not saying that the Hada Labo product isn't good, it may suits you but not for me. So. Get back to the review. I ever wanted to try a mousse type of cleanser. I have a wonderful experience with Neutrogena cleanser. So I pick up this one to give it a try. So my thoughts on it goes bla bla bla down here. :)

Packaging : 4 / 5
The pump is quite easy to control. But as you can see in the last picture, that is only the amount you get with one pump. Its foamy but not that type of big foam mousse type bubble. Not that fancy, just a regular plastic bottle. ( I love fancy packaging product)

Cleansing power : 3 /5
Foam can't be lather, glides nicely on face. But my skin feel nice and clean, but not that fresh enough.

Scent : 5/5
The smell of the cleanser are so nice! It have this energizing smell! Love it!

Price : 5/5
RM25.90 for 175ml. Cheaper than most mousse type cleanser

Overall : 4/5
I think it is a good buy. I love the scent so much. Very refreshing smell to boost up ypur morning. Love it

What current cleanser did you use? Have you tried this one?
Love to hear your feedback!

Lots of love! Till next time!


  1. my skin will flare up with acne if i stay up late at night! argh..hate pimples! >-< at the moment i'm using OXY with vitamin C & E and it helps control oil on my face. pretty good. :)

    i love neutrogena but their liquid cleansers aren't much satisfying for me. :p it takes a lot to lather up.

    1. Hehe... I cannot use the Oxy Pimple gel. It kinda makes my pimple grow stronger. Weird huh. hehe...

  2. Sorry about the Hada Labo cleanser Sabrina! I've tried this cleanser when I was much younger but it did not do much for my face.. Now am currently using Étude House Baking Powder face wash. =)

    1. its ok dear Amanda! its not your fault. is very moisturizing. i felt the "boing" on my skin. but pimple want to see the world so they kinda pop out of my skin... hehe.... I saw the baking powder wash. kinda nice to try out too!

  3. I use the same cleanser sometimes, I like it because it feels light on my skin and not too harsh :)

    1. yeap! but i kinda more loving cleanser that lather and have some bits of scrubbing properties in it. i felt cleaner. but this cleanse may be very suitable to match up with a cleanser tool like the Clarasonic or Sigma Polish Cleanse Tool.

  4. hi, sab! how are you? nak share ni. i dah banyak kali tukar p'cuci muka. dari dermalogica(stop sbb mahal. haha..tapi paling bagus!), the body shop seaweed(3/5) & tea tree(3/5),Nu Teen(3/5), Hada Labo(4/5) dan t'baru charcoal cleansing foam(4.5/5) + Neutrogena daily scrub(4/5). setakat ni charcoal cleansing foam ok. nak pakai 1 set tapi susah nak dapat stok. beli online mahal la pula. 2-3x ganda dari harga asal. i agak kedekut klu benda lain kecuali perfume. hehe...^___^

    1. i pun selalu tukar pencuci muka. sebab semua nk try..haha! ow, yg charcoal tu i pernah pakai, best, tp bau die xbest. oh my, picky sgt ini kan... hehe... oh memang, especially kalau bottle perfume tu cantik! hehe....

    2. lagi dahsyat belum habis dah nak try p'cuci muka baru. hahaha... sampai kena marah sbb tukar2 p'cuci muka. hehe...picky tu bagus juga kadang2, sab.^___^ if bottle cantik + wangi, b'baloi. if bottle cantik tp bau bikin pening, x b'baloi.T___T

    3. tp i sgt picky dengan perfume bottle. kalau bau sedap tp bottol xcantik, i xbeli! hehe... kalau bau xsedap tp bottol cantik i kecewa...haha... i aim marc jacobs eau so fresh n vera wang range... bau sedap n bottol cantik! hehe...

    4. bau x sedap tp botol cantik, mmg sgt kecewa klu beli. perfume ni 1x spray, wangi tp bila lama2 d badan, bau jd lain & boleh pening pula. paling sedih klu sudah t'beli. T___T . marc jacobs daisy ke? vera wang i suka t'utama flower princess. cuma 1st edition je x suka.hehe..

    5. perfume ni kene ikut badan jugak or genetic taw. kalau berubah, that means that perfume xkena dengan kita. xpela, boleh buat hiasan bilik... hehe....

  5. Looks like a good cleanser! thanks for the compliment :)
