SilkyGirl launch New Product Event at The Bees & LOTD *PicHeavy

Hello everyone! It have been so long since i post something here. Finally I have just finish my 4th semester examination! Alhamdulillah! Last Satuday I have been invited from SilkyGirl to join their newly product lauch event! I am so happy! I counld not belive myself to be invited in such great event like that! It was held in The Bees, Jaya One. I meet Diana, Amanda and Maria Elena personally! It was a blast event! Firslty, Below are my look that i have been wearing quite frequently. a natural shimmer with a hink of pink! I have to crop the background and replace it with a wallpaper. =P. Because there were something unpleasant to see at the back. Haha!

Refreshment are served and we all get to try hands on on all the new product! Fun!

Here are some of the pictures i took during the event. I get to play with all the stuff! While The Makeup Artist for SilkyGirl called Dee demonstrated on her work to a model, we all get to try them.

They came in 4 shades.

The swatches. Theses are the newly launch shade from their duo eyeshadow.

From Left is the Glossy Trio and newly launch shade lipstick.

The color payoff is quite nice, but i would not wear it. Its too bright! I never get the guts to wear bright lipstick.. yet!

Dee, SilkyGirl Makeup Artist! She is very friendly and nice!

The photography section. They provide fun props that we can use during photo session!

Food Galore. I really love the chips!
Back from the vent, I cant get my hands off to see what goodies I've got! (Ok, I lied) I have opened them since Im in my Bf car. =P This is what they gave! I really love the box!

This is the eyeliner I have been talking about! I really love them!

Dont use it if you are going for a swim! :)

See that gold sparkel in that purple eyeshadow! So pretty!

Thank you SilkyGirl for inviting me! I have fun! Your team are very nice and friendly! I enjoy my self!
I was delaying this post quite a while. I was waiting SilkyGirl to update the photos that they took durring the event. Most of my picture are blur. I guess i just post this one up first. I meet Diana from QuinKitty. She is such a sweet pretty girl! seriously! She is so pretty! Nice to meet all of the bloggers who attend the event! I'll update more picture later! Till then!

***Updated with pictures!
Diana & Amanda

Do you use SilkyGirl product? Do you like my new picture concept?
I love to hear from you!



  1. awesome post, sabrina. Not a big fan of silkygirl but some of their stuff are really good. silkygirl is doing massive advertising, ey? talk about being the main sponsor for cheer comp for the past. . . i dont know, 8 years? would like to try more of their products once I get back to KL this summer.

    1. Good morning dear! Some of the product are very nice! yeap, they have been the main sponsor of that event. I was involve in the cheer comp since 2006-2007. are you in the cheer comp too?

    2. Yes I was from 2006-2007. Anchorz! Best newcomer of 2006, and 6th place in 2007! Now dont know lah what happened to them lol. What team were you in?

    3. oh my! Anchorz??? Seriously? I love your team! You did a very good routine! i was in a (not so best) team...haha! not so good... it was called Queens. I think you did heard about it..hehe...

  2. hi!long time no see, sab.:D exam mcmana? saya ada try e/shadow kat Guardian kelmarin. cantik warnanya b'banding dulu. packaging 2-way foundation pun nice.a-way, i love ur goodies! especially the box.^___^

    1. Alhmadulillah..exam was ok... hehe... i love the eyeliner! guarantee best!

  3. seems like a really nice event :) love the cool you have, very pretty <3

  4. aaaa!!! i love the box!! you're soo lucky to be able to attend the launch. congrats darla! :D those eyeshadows looked real nice though. :) thanks for sharing anyway. <3

    1. next time we must go together! quite nice, but i love the eyeliner!

  5. I love Silkygirl :)
    The eyeshadows looks amazing :) Enjoy dearie !!!

    1. the eyeshadow was quite ok! i recommend the eyeliner!

  6. nice new color of eyeshadow.. :)

    1. yeap! you should try them! thanks for reading dear! <3

  7. The eyeliner looks nice! And I'm eyeing the Gloss Trio because it looks pretty cute. :D

    1. the eyeliner is the best! the gloss look so pretty if you dont open it... hehe....

  8. i got this invitation too tp clash dengan my sad =(

    1. ala..kalau tak boleh jumpa fyna. next time! amin! <3

  9. oh my how wish i was there! :(

  10. Oh~ I was there as well!
    I followed your blog as 128th follower, Such a Nice No for a Chinese!

  11. Sad story. I was at Kelana Jaya LRT station. And I have no idea how to reach at The Bee. Taxi pun tak nak pergi sana. End up I go to OU watch The Avengers. ;)

    1. aw.... or else i can meet you! the place was quite confusing. it was inside the jaya one building. i got lost at first too.

  12. comel ok box tu...transparent lagi...kite guna silky girl punya bb cream sbb makcik2 kite ckp muka kita licin betul..walhal tak licin pun sbnrya...hahaha

    1. comel kan! hehe... i sab suka foundation tu sgt2.. coverage die awesome lg2 harga dia lg awesome!

  13. Never heard of that brand, nice products! Great blog!
