Romana Makeup Cube

Hello everyone! Wow! I am so deligful to see the number of my follower! hehe! Really, i appreciate it so much. And sorry to Puteri Panda for delaying this post since you really want to see my review on my new makeup cube! thank you so much for visiting! <3

I pick up my self the makeup cube with the seller called Romana, a very gorgeous women down to earth person! Very honest and sufficient! I do recommend you guys to pick up them and see it for your self if you want to buy them. Yes, it can be delivered to your house but.. you know our postal service guy is a lil bit rough on disturbing items although there are a fragile sticker on the box. The chance of the item may be damage during delivery is there. Contact her, set up an appoitment and she will give you her address and meet her up. Look for your self! It is gorgeous! Im loving my makeup cube! Ok, move on to pictures and review! (I dont have a lot of makeups, most of them i trow them away because i have finish using it) hehe....

As you can see, Although if i pull out half of the drawer, my hands fits to reach any other things inside the drawer that is at the back.

Same goes to the drawer that is below another drawer

Most of us have this palette (the 88 eyeshadow palette) , it fits perfectly.

Pretty mess with small items. I recommend you buy some small box organizer or the divider that she sells.

The diver can help you stack up more items in there. There is so much space you can fill up.

This is the one she selling, size approx as below,

Standard size of pencils and eye items are below 6 inch. So the divirder is just perfect.

My not so big lip product collection. ;p Still lot of space!

OPI cannot fit if they are in vertical position.

The NYX Round Lipstick and Maybelline Baby Lip Balm stand out perfectly.
 So if you want to measure the maximum height this drawer can store, any thing that is not exceeding the size of the NYX Round lipstick can fir in this drawer.

View nicely

Lets move on to more and deeper to its size!

Depth of the drawers.
So i have done some research to its size. I dont have some of the items i mention below. It is just an assumption.

  • If you have a lot of Mac blusher and you want to line them up nicely in this drawers, it fits about

5x5 piece of MAC Blusher (25 MAC Blusher)

  • If you have a lot of MAC eyeshadow in pot, this drawer can fit and line up you eyeshadow without stacking up one another around 49 MAC eyeshadow. 7x7 MAC eyeshadow.

Right now she have the 4 drawer, 5 drawers with lid, 2 drawers and other organizer items in her store. Check her out! Read my Fab Find about her makeup cube her - CLICK ME!

FACEBOOK PAGE : Makeup Organizer

Since Muji is already on shore, there will be some items that are identical with this one. As what i heard the price is slightly higher and they are all made out of plastic. This Makeup cube are made out of some type of a very high quality acrylic Lucite material. Its is very sturdy. Its heavy too! Hehe, but still if you want to bring the whole makeup cube during your travel, i think it will be ok.. (by car) ;p 
And she have this new item inspired by Muji,

This the inspire Muji drawers that she have. It is slightly smaller. I think it is perfect to store your jewelry items! and small stuff like lip products and eye product.

I would not say the price is cheap, but it is a really good investment. A very high quality box that can store your makeup items or even anything you want to store. The price is really a good deal comparing to the others you may find out side. Since she live in Malaysia, and you can meet her up to see the makeup cube yourself. Rather than pay such ridiculous shipping fees from other country. If you search in Ebay or Amazon, they are selling about 150 US Dollars + Shipping (will high high due to the weight of the box). Approx RM600++. And how about if the item you receive are damage during delivery? It will be such a turn off.... I am not affiliate with her shop, I only recommend you guys to see it for your self. Why would i keep such a great product and not sharing with you guys right! Will do an update collection of makeup with this storage soon! <3

I love to see how she store her makeup, the one she having is The Clear Cube that cost arounf 300US Dollars each. Her link - Click Me!

Tell me what you think in the comet below! I love you guys!


  1. love this storage drawer....
    Its so spacious and d transparency makes it gorgeous :)
    love it

  2. oh sabrina! m so jealous of you! these babies are gorgeous. gorgeous. gorgeous! well, beauty comes with price, that is quite steep though. but i think it's worth it. haven't found the perfect storage for my makeup still. :(

    1. thank you! yeap, the price is a lil bit pricey, but if you really want a just nice makeup storage that is high quality, i do recommend this!

  3. great review! is it in KL?

  4. nice review, but yeah the price is too high. I can find acrylic make up storage here for cheap but meh, takkan nak bungkus balik Malaysia kan? I heard from someone you can find good storages dekat pavilion tingkat atas sekali yang jual barang2 jepun tu. I've been there only once so I don't know betul ke tak.

    1. owh..daiso... i have been there... there nothing much like this one.. but i suke die punya plastic storage. very cute! it clear transparent and have a lil glitter on it. suitable to put in side a drawer for small organization... there not much of a storage items there, more to a home items stuff from japan. very cute! :D

  5. Finally!!! wow, harga boleh tahan tapi boleh muat banyak. kira ok la tu. suka3. a-way, i love ur make-up collections. ;)

  6. Pretty makeup storage! have you checked acrylic drawers from suppliers? That price is way too expensive to be spent on those but it's huge!! :)

    1. its huge and quite heavy! i dont consider this an ordinary box, its already just like a furniture.. hehe...

  7. I need some storage for my make up too :D my bath looks like chaos, everywhere are beauty products >.<

    1. i think this storage is perfect for you! it will help to protect your product in the bathroom. :D

  8. Finally!!! this is my 3rd comments. tapi tak kuar2 pula. Wow, u have awesome clear cube! harga boleh tahan tapi boleh muat banyak. kira ok la tu kan? nice review! a-way, i love ur make-up collections. ;)

    1. it's ok dear.. saya pun tak banyak juga. makeup collections u lagi best. ada urban decay, NAKED.. time u beli lagi kasi penuh clear cube u. memang cantik la.:)

    2. Sorry sangat post lambat..busy syg... hehe.... byk sgt boleh muat... my makeup collection is not that big lah dear..hehe... i need to buy more to fill up the drawers....hehe...

    3. hehe...ok, tgh try kumpul duit ntuk tambahkan lg collection!:p

  9. :O love how the lipsticks fit so neatly and perfectly! they all look so cute and pretty lined up in the drawer. this is such a wonderful way to store your makeup, I just love how the measurements are perfect :D

  10. akk nk jugak lah..akk ada beli drawer yang kecik tp susah nk sumbat masuk

    1. ok drawer tu! perfect for lipstick, pensil2 size makeup.

  11. i love these plastic containers they look so sleek!

  12. teruja lah tgok u...kemas nya brg mekap..i pnya bersepah huhuhu T_T

    1. kemas? hehe...time amik gambar kemas la..time bagun pagi pastu nak mekap...macam ada ribut taufan dlm bilik tu... hehe.... hari2 kene susun...

  13. Dont you just love the make up storage.
    finally can organized them alot better now kan? <3

    1. kan.. i always change how i organize. i just love to set place for my makeups!

  14. Hi.. BW here.. Saya pun ada beli makeup cube dari beliau dulu. Meet up with her at KLCC to pick up sbb katanya berat dan besar. Memang betul pun. Boleh letak banyak barang walaupun tak banyak mana kan... Like you said, it's a good investment ^_^

  15. Buy cheap makeup to put in expensive organizer...LOL... You should buy expensive makeup and use a cheap organizer, like I do.

    1. LOL. I got this organizer as a gift, oh and yes I cant afford an expensive makeup at this moment as you can see I only have cheap makeup to put in. Oh look, its a 2012 blog post you read!

    2. Aww you said you were not affiliated with her shop but you just said you got it as a gift? Or other people gave it to you?

      Anyway, I am in love with the makeup cube, have been eyeing on it for so long, still haven't got the $$ to buy it. T.T

    3. it was given to me as a gift. Affiliate means if any of her products are sold, i'll get a commission. so i dont get any, that means i am not affiliate with her. review above are sincerely by me when she gave this to me.
