UPDATES : Maybe I'll be away for a moment & wanna see a living doll?

Hi guys! How are you guys doing? Its been a month since i did not post anything. :( I lost my laptop a few days after my latest post about the maybelline lip balm... How I describe my feeling until now? See below face,

How did that happen? I have answer 100 times to all of my friend who ask me through out the month,
Friends : Sab! How did you laptop lost?
Me : I dont know... long story... but... bla bla bla bla
Friends : Aw... hm... ok... be patient ya!
Me : Hm...

and hoping for rainbow to happen....
but nah... it would not happen...

It was not a suppose thing to happen. I cannot accuse anyone...although its an obvious evidence that i would say but... Nah... Accusing and blaming people is not the solution. Maybe it was time my laptop have to go... 

Yes, I do miss and LOVE my laptop. It is a sentimental thing in my life. My father have to sacrifice his wants and buy me when i first started college. That laptop is like a best friend to me. Thta laptop is when i started blogging, youtubing and googeling. HAHA. I learn a lot from my laptop. Everything is just by typing. All of my pictures, my late pets, my picture with my bf since 2006 is in there. Oh well, buat sakit hati je bile igat balik!

So enough with bad sad stories, just a quick update. I wanna share with you guys, i came across with this lady... Man... Another living doll. God creation are amazing! These girls have the perfect bless! Their faces are like! PUUURRRRFFFEECCCTTT! The structured of their face is fascinating. Oh well... Let see who they are... :)


What you guys think?

Ok, till then guys, i was hoping for a new laptop.
Moga2 Allah murahkan rezeki saya.



  1. So sorry for your lost, how did you lose it? I hope you'll get a new laptop soon!! :)

    1. Me & my other 2 friend were the victim. As usually we went to class that morning, and at 10am, we had a call saying that our apartment door was widely open. And my friend said that my laptop weren't at my table. No sign of robbery. Police said it was one of us who live in the apartment took it since it was such a smooth plan. Last person went out 9.45am, laptop lost at 10am. is that logic? haha. But we could not blame anyone. i dont have strong evidence. Moral of the story, don't trust anyone. :) I hope so. Living without laptop is really hard. Now i can say, technology does play a big part in my life. haha!

  2. Hey Sabrina. so sorry to hear about your lappy. hang in there ok? this too shall pass. When God closes one door, He open others (which i hope that means more rezki coming your way). keep on posting~! ;) <3<3<3~

    1. yeah..:(
      now i have to save up for a new lappy! waaaa!
      the money i want to use to buy some sigma brushes that i have been wishing for year! hehe....its ok...
      thanks dear! <3
