Maybelline Baby Lip Balms Review

The not so new Maybelline Lip Balm. Hehe. I just bought them after hearing so many rave towards it. And how can I resist on such a cute lip balm in a cute colorful packaging. So I grab some. At first I bought the Lip Balm in the flavor of Cherry and Berry. After using it, I fell in love with it! I just cant stop applying it on my lips! So I grab another 2. So that completes me. ;)

What it claims to be :
Lip Balm with SPF20
Instant 8HR Moisture Rejuvenate Lips In One Week
Enriched with Centella Essence
Direction of use : Reapply when lip are exposed to strong sun, wind, or cold for maximum protection
Adult strength care for baby soft lips.

So here the review

Individual pictures! Which one you like? 

Maybelline Baby Lip SPF20 Lip Balm in Anti - Oxidant Berry
Maybelline Baby Lip SPF20 Lip Balm in Cherry
Maybelline Baby Lip SPF20 Lip Balm in Relieving Menthol
Maybelline Baby Lip SPF20 Lip Balm in Energizing Orange

Pros : I like scented product. Especially when they smell good. Each flavours came with different smell. I like Berry smell the most. It gives you this kinda good feeling when applying it. And it taste good! *Fun to apply with but not to eat OK?

The price is affordable with such a lot amount of product. The packaging is superbly cute!

Cons : Only available in clear shades. In the US, They are available in different shades, and the packaging are much more nicer. Tsk tsk. Why la~

Maybelline Baby Lip Balm
Price : Watson RM10.90
Where can I get them : Watson

My Rating : 4.5/5

USA Packaging for these babies - Picture credit to - Vibrantdoll


  1. Horrible. I couldn't tell if it was effective or not because I couldn't stand to use it for more than 2 days. Buttery, yes, but it also had that vile "SPF lip balm" after taste. Smells awful. Horribly childish packaging. All in all, pretty bad.

  2. I was about to comment how mine looks different when I saw that the US had a different packaging. A fren from the US sent one to me, so I got the coloured one. I love the smell of it!

    1. I like the packaging from US and it has that sheer color. Pretty nice!

  3. Aww they all look soo cute! I'm tempted to try this haha..

  4. great review! it's informative!

  5. Totally gonna follow you babe!! I want that naked 2 palette and revlon lip butter are super in right now!! do follow me too..Love ur blog.keep it up~

    1. you are so sweet.. i want the naked 2 palette too!
      Followed sweetie! <3

  6. I bought few babylips in Canada but why is it so different from Malaysia version eh? Lipstick color (the stick itself) color dia sama je for all? How about the color itself on your lips?

    1. different right? i think this is like the Asian version. i dont know why there did not make them same as the others sold at the US. It is colorless, just like an ordinary lipbalm. Pretty sad.. :(

  7. alamak...ada bau ngan rasa ke...hmmm...

    mb sbb kat malaysia ada lip smooth ngan lip bloom kot..tu yg baby lip ni x keluar yang warna-warni cm kt us.

    btw, maybelline punya lip balm is the best! least for me. :) (i use lip bloom in peach bloom. best!)

    1. The taste is kinda fun! Lagi2 flavor energizing orange! It gives me a morning boost!

  8. Oh that's a shame :( - why would they be clear? I've always found it annoying that the names for Maybelline products (eyeshadows/lipstickse etc.) sometimes get changed in the UK. I'd be even more annoyed if I ended up getting clear balms when I had expected colour. Well at least they smell nice, I guess? I have not purchased any yet but from what I'm hearing on the blogosphere they're sounding pretty great :) Thanks for posting!

    1. yep! they smell nice but since i collect them the difference would only be the scent not the color.. not very useful... haha! thanks for reading dear!

  9. excuse me but xhere did you find them ?

    1. these are available at my local drugstore. this version is available in ceratin asian countries i think. its a asian version of lip balm...

  10. Replies
    1. a really moisturizing lip balm! use it everyday
