YUMMY POST & TIPS : Fast Easy Breakfast Idea!


Hey! What breakfast has to do with beauty! You are wrong! Breakfast without we notice is super important! (Which I don't really do) And i want to start eating breakfast from now on! 2012 resolution perhaps? Hehe.

Do you find tired, weak in the morning although you have good enough sleep yesterday? Well did you have you breakfast? I mean, LIGHT breakfast? Not HEAVY breakfast for example a dish of nasi lemak and fried chicken, 3 piece of roti canai with the dal! Breakfast has its limits. We need it but we cant take it to much.

What is the best time for breakfast actually? It is between 7 - 8 am! Eating healthy food is a must for a-go boost  to start off the day. So i have search high and lows for this topic. I found that sometime we don't have enough time to do breakfast right?

So i have arrange some recipes that you guys can follow! I have adjust and experiment it for you guys, to make sure all the recipes are easy to do, basic ingredient are used and convenient! I edit all the picture my self, image are taken from Google. You can copy & paste those picture if you want! It is already sized up. If you paste it in a normal A4 doc size, it can fit 3 in one page. They are 7 wide and 3 in height!

So lets start!

The first one is the Mashed Potatoes with boiled eggs! this is my fave! Its super easy and you can make some extra which you can keep it for around 3 days. Just heat it or eat it straight from the fridge! So i just list up basic ingredients. You can put in more stuff like, slice of bacon, bits of roasted chicken or sprinkle of black-pepper.

2nd one is the Potato jacket! Eat it with the skin! It have good nutrition! (Don't forget to clean the skin first ok) Ingredients can also be customize. As i said, i listed ingredient which are easy to find and basic. You can add anything to this potato! Mozzarella cheese!

3rd one is the basic Sandwich. Its tuna! Squeeze some lemon in the ingredients if you like sourly taste! (Vitamin C ok!)

4th! Same as above only that the bread change. With really make a big difference.

Lastly, the cereal. If you really dont have the time. You can just speed up with a bowl of cereal which is easy. My fave cereal is Milo & Honey Stars! & snow flakes and...and...(too much!

So a total of 5 recipes. You can arrange it from Monday to Friday which the weekdays that people usually are busy to college or work. Form a schedule. Most of my recipes used oven right? because we want it to be fast and easy. Frying pan cause you to clean it up etc etc. Make sure you get ready a Tupperware at the night before so you can pack them if you on the go.

change the ingredient as you like! Which any convenient for you!

Prepare everything in the night, so you can access fast for tomorrow workload. So who's with me! Let's start breakfast ok! & don't forget to exercise at least 3 times a week. Want some advice? I'm not an expert but my father is a gym trainer. So i can drop some question to him for you!

So most of the ingredient used are the same. To save the budget and hassle I listed them out! Go take a paper and pen ok! ;p
Tuna in a can
Fave Cereal
etc. optional.

Easy right?

*Picture of recipes can be copy & paste if you wanna print out! Pictures help you appetite right?! hehe... Im in a project for Bento boxes! Planning to make my own lunch box! Wanna start saving & eat healthier! What a Bento Box? Scroll down! Till then! XOXO!



  1. Oh my.. These all look so gosh darn delicious!!! I am hungry now! :D And they are presented in such beautiful ways!

  2. I needa force myself to eat breakfast everyday from now on! I guess I'm just too sleepy in the mornings to bother myself preparing a nice breakfast to enjoy :(


    1. me too! need to change that, and have my breakfast for a better energy!

  3. Hi Sabrina!! Yeah I love her videos!! sometimes its so hard to eat breakfast, with the usual morning rush ahh I prepare breakfast the day before and just pop it in the fridge for tomorrow morning so it has always been sandwich or something light for me haha Cereals I have in the evenings :'D

    btw where do you live?? would love to meet Malaysia's beauty bloggers irl we need more of that :)

    1. Yep! Agree! I live in Johore, but surrently studying in KL. In Cheras Area. OMG! That a good idea! Should spread the word and lets make one!
