HAUL : Online Shopping at Agape Boutique

Hi guys! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! After a long wait of my shoe spree, my shoe finally arrive! This is my first time shopping for shoe online! What makes me doing that is because I find online shoes much more prettier that most of the retail shoe in the usually shopping mall have, and its cheaper! So Agape Boutique was my first choice, because I have been shopping from them quite sometime. The first order is on clothes garment. And what scares me is the SIZE! I have er, quite, erm may have a big foot! LOL! Usually my size aren't available in stores... *tears~ and always OUT OF STOCK! Gheesshhh! So I put my faith when ordering it... Pray it will fits me.. and see what happens...... This is the image display in the shop -
Look similar to the Jeffrey Campbell Foxy Wood that cost around 125US Dollars!
And this is what I got...
It is not that yellowish, its my poor camera quality and its getting dark :(
Some kind of a velvet-y material! Nice!
Urggh! I know... The picture is totally a turn off, I was doing some work when the shoe arrive and cant resist on wearing it on the spot! :D
My Reaction?
  • its fits me PERFECTLY!
  • similar to what I expect!
  • Worth what I paid for
  • and again, it fits me! YEAH!
Pre-Order or Ready Stock clothes/shoes/bags? Some are ready stock but not many. Most of them are Pre-Order! Pre-Order let you guys gt much more cheaper price! If you are willing to wait, They have Mega Sales pre order where more discount! 
Each shoe discount of RM10! Man!!! :D

Do thy ship internationally? I think she do not ship internationally. But you can ask her anyway! She's friendly!

CLICK HERE! Link to the item I purchase - Shoe 1664 Beige - RM 57, Size: 39 - CLICK HERE! 

Review - LOVE LOVE LOVE! Worth buying! Sarah, the owner is also friendly! My first order was not this color actually, is a tan color, but it is OOS, So she email me and ask me what is my decision, proceed with another order or refund. I choose to proceed with another order. I email her few times, and she does reply! Yes! Im going to shop more there! Aaaaa!
Below are SOME of my wishlist! LOL
Haha! Thanks Sarah! When I have the free time, I will post my look wearing these babies!
Below are some picture that inspire and encouraging me to purchase them! :D

Wish list? Yeah!

Theres more but... let short list it! :p Link for details - A  B  C  D  E  F 
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MY GIVEAWAY ENTRY : .hystericmint.com - Not your ordinary YT Guru!

Hi guys! Again, i neglected my blog. Been busy again... Study, part time job and everything! So     I would like to share something. Owh I love sharing! <3 So today after finish doing some research for my upcoming project, I went over youtube. Just to watch some makeup videos. Then my bf called and ask me out. Coz we were planning to go KLCC. I asked him to help me find a nice stylus pen for my Ipad. So I was thinking on what makeup look should I wear tonight. I was thinking about a nice dark night look. So search "dark makeup look" and came across with this video! Damn! I was like, watching her tutorial which was superb! I look at the top part, no partner banner, and only 7 videos!!!! I was like! Woah! She is good! Just gotta sub! I love her videos! It was high quality and unique! Plus! She is so pretty!!! So I saw she have a blog! Of course I will click on it! Teehee! And yes, I fall in love again. Her post is so fun to read, the picture and everything. I really adore her header! And guess what! She's having a giveaway! Wuhuu!

***Picture credit to hystericmint

***Picture credit to hystericmint

Winner will receive


❤ three packs of eyelashes (thats six pairs!)
❤ cute eyelash case to put all your new eyelashes in
❤ king size barbie brown lenses sponsored by i-beautyshop.net
❤ pa nail beads
❤ pa nail repair pack
❤ pa purple glitter nailpolish
❤ hello kitty key holder
❤ shower puff (not shown)
❤ polka dot hair clips


She so pretty!
***Picture credit to hystericmint
Watch her videos and you will know why am i so excited and raved about her! 

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