REVIEW & SWATCHES : NYX Round Lipstick in Circe, Ceto & Indiana Pink


Sorry for the disgusting look for the Indiana Pink. Accidentally broke it..hehe

Nude, Pink Frosty Nude and Nice Coral Red Color.

NYX Round lipstick have been a popular drugstore Lipstick that have been rave around YouTube and Beauty Blog. So I came across it and purchase some. Below are the NYX Round Lipstick that I owned and used.

Where to get it in Malaysia?
Local Blogshop Spree or Nail Fiesta or NYX Malaysia Facebook (Unofficial)
(I am not affiliate to the blogshop stated as I am only recommend to the shop that I know selling NYX Product)

How much is it?
RM15 - RM20+

Pros :
Affordable, Lots of color Range, Sleek Packaging, wonderful colors!

Cons :
I feel its a bit drying. Best use with Lipgloss or Lipbalm first. The color sometime can be to creamy as it wont stick to the lip for long.

Best apply / Fave style to apply with : The product itself.
Overall Rating : 7/10
Would I repurchase it? : Yes, but for other color.


  1. i wanted to get NYX's lippy sticks.. but i missed the spree. lol.. but they are one of the most raved drugstore brand in the US. btw, the 3 colours u have there are gorgeous. i like Ceto and Indiana Pink. i'd like to get the ones with tiny orangey tint or corally tints :D ♥♥

  2. yep! i was eyeing on the single shadows! haha! finding the right shade for nyx product was quite hard. the image showed in their website aren't the same color as their product color. we have to really do a research on the color, and look for swatches that others have bought.

  3. yeah.. true. the colours from the swathes and the real thing seem to go a lil' off. yeap. research, trial & error would be the key. if only they have stores here in M'sia.. ha ha haa.. that'd be awesome xD

  4. wow!! the indiana pink is nice!!! i should have get one!!

  5. @miss cat lady - OH MY! If NYX stores is in Malaysia! I'm the happiest person in Malaysia! As we don't have any affordable makeup brand that have a lot of color and makeup range. Their quality can be compare to high end brand...Owh...I really wish that! <3

  6. @Janet - yaa!! its so nice! go get you some! <3

  7. I really want to try out NYX lipsticks too, the shades look gorgeous and when applied to the lips look sooo nice!!

    How did you break your lipstick btw? haha how unlucky :(

  8. @Chloe Nghiem-it was a funny story! My cousin took the lipstick and try to put it o my face while i was sleeping! Luckily i woke up and accidentally smash the lipstick!... Haha!

  9. You can find these NYX lipsticks from my facebook..TQ...Stock are limited...

  10. @tein - Nice! Sure I'll check it out! <3

  11. I love nyx lipstick, though it doesnt stay so long. The color pays off so well.

    Come visit my blog

    1. its too creamy it wont stick on the lips right. but the pigmentation is awesome.
